Friday, October 16, 2009

Process of sustainability

It is challenging to create a conference, that focuses on the process of sustainability as widely as possible. It would be much easier to just arrange a conference without really thinking about the impact it could/should have on the hosting city or on the Baltic Sea Region. You could just tender out the elements needed and plan the programme. This is not what Solutions local, together will just do, it aims to do more than usually is done for sustainability.

How do you quarantee that the event will make an impact on the hosting city before and after it? A good example of the larger process that one can influence, is the reduction of CO2 emissions by year 2050. All possible efforts are needed to reach a maximum reduction, therefore this should be also enabled through the events organized. A reality is that in order to have an impact in the city of Turku, one needs to create a new working culture, where existing networks are acting together. Every actor is challenged to do things differently and think about the eventual common benefits. Actions are needed during the entire process.

The conference preparation team is committed to organize a conference with a true impact. The elements of the sustainability process will be revealed during the upcoming months. If you are interested to be part of the process, you are welcome to contact me.

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