Friday, December 18, 2009

Future is ours

Recent days have made me think about the different levels of involvement, starting from informing to involvement. In an ideal world, everyone would get their voices heard on the topics that affect them. When there are many stakeholders, like now in COP15 meeting, it is nearly impossible to come to a satisfactory decisions when the process of participation is not thought through well enough. This is the case now, when physical participation of relevant NGOs is being denied and demonstrations are considered as negative actions.

It is frustrating to see even though everyone talks about the same thing, but when it comes to actual decision-making - the decision-makers still think the individualistic way - not ours, but mine (my country, my world). Involvement is about us, future is ours - therefore we should remember the common benefits. What is left if it is not our common concern?

Very often we know only afterwards that we had a change to influence, for a limited time. Therefore I want to point out to you that influence now when there is a Public consultation on the future EU 2020 strategy ongoing until 15.1.2010. This is about our common future guided by the EU. EU 2020 strategy is about a new sustainable social market economy, a smarter, greener economy where our prosperity will result from innovation and from using resources better, and where knowledge will be the key input. The strategy is about the transformation needed in Europe. If COP15 does not do the trick - at least give your opinion at

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