Friday, July 16, 2010

Count your blessings

Lucas lifted the oars and let the boat glide on the shore. The surface of the lake was totally calm, only movement was made by the night flyes that were flying around. He had been fishing together with his children on a nearby little island. They had got some coarse fish but also one big sander. It must weigh over 1 kg, Lucas thought. It will make a good dinner for tomorrow, or for today actually, Lucas said to the children while they were walking back to the cottage.

It had been a good holiday; warm weather (occasional rainy days were just welcomed as they encouraged to do some reading or playing games), loads of swimming and sauna, making good simple food with fresh ingredients bought from the little village market and shops, making day visits to friends, and staying a bit longer with the grandparents. The whole family had gone and picked strawberries as his daughter had wished for it. They had chosen a local farm that had advertised that they only have organically grown berries.

They had spent a good time together as a family. Everybody had decided on one activity and the others had followed that desicion without a murmur. The rest of the time was spent at the cottage with no big plans or timetables. Lucas felt relaxed and content, and that made him realise how lucky he actually is, after all. He knew that future holidays would be more hectic, especially once the children got older, but right now this was enough. "I must remember to count my blessings more often", he promised to himself.

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