Friday, November 27, 2009

Message through movies

There are still 9 days to the UN climate summit in Copenhagen. Those people involved in climate change work can see it by the loads of e-mails received about newly available publications, newsletters and events organized around the topic. No doubt a change is expected, but how to reach the masses?

To my mind, one of the best ways is to showcase the urgency through a well-packaged movie. Recently I have been seen three different movies that express the message clearly and certainly appeal to different audiences. Out of these, my favorite one is "The Age of stupid". This documentary reveals well, how the ongoing processes influence the lives of people around different parts of the world. It makes you think, what is the quality of life and how can we ensure that everyone has the right for the same?

A second movie is "Swimming with the Polar Bears". The movie goes deep into our feeling of responsibility and also adds personal dimension to the global warming. What is my approach in life?

A third one differs a lot from the previous two, as it is a cartoon movie done around the Baltic Sea."The Lord of the Things" combines the different well-known legends and movies in order to pass the message among the age group of 11-13 years. It makes you think, would things be better without ignorance?

I hope you will take the opportunity to watch the movies and to pass the message!

More information about the movies:
"The Age of stupid"
"Swimming with the Polar Bears"
"The Lord of the Things"

Friday, November 20, 2009

Sampo of sustainability

Everyone is talking about innovations and new deals in the midst of different crisis. In many cases we forget that we can learn much from the history. In Finnish mythology, the Sampo was a magical artifact of indeterminate type that brought good fortune to its holder. The Sampo was something worth fighting for.

Several historians have tried to identify what the Sampo really was. According to Matti Klinge, finnish historian, the Sampo could have been a pole about mechantile law in Samppalinna, in the city of Turku, Finland. If we interpret this into current day - we could claim that still we are all looking for this Sampo - Sampo of sustainability. And it just happens to be that in year 2011 we will gather in Turku to share it.

For me Sampo of sustainability is the best that our societies could offer. Ingredients of this are shared values, active networks and joint efforts for everyones benefit. Are we able to act now so that we could spread the Sampo in January 2011?

The Sampo was a pivotal element of the plot of the Finnish epic poem Kalevala, compiled in 1835 (and expanded in 1849) by Elias Lönnrot based on earlier Finnish oral tradition. More from

Friday, November 13, 2009

Who cares?

We all want to feel needed and do work that is appreciated by others. In many times the appreciation stems from small things. It is easier to talk about something far away and not to touch the closest things around you. We keep on improving the strategies and action plans and sometimes succeed on changing major issues. Despite this very often the small practical issues remain unsolved.

I work in a room with windows that led the cold autumn wind through their cracks and nearly without any light. I trust in the fact that the ones responsible for this value my work and do their utmost. I still trust that before X-mas the working conditions will be fixed. But what happens if nothing happens...

In developed society there are not tasks that should not be appreciated. It is said that the value of human being is measured by the fact how he treats the ones from whom he does not get anything from. How do you value the work of others?

Friday, November 6, 2009

Make it fun!

How many times we work so focused on our tasks, that we forget to include fun as the key ingredient into our actions?

Solutions are being created
when challenge has been found and it
meets the right mixture of people
with idea to solve it.
If elements of fun are added to the concept you are sure to succeed!

For food for thought about fun and solutions, check for example the Bottle Bank Archad Machine and Piano staircase at