Friday, May 28, 2010

Wanted: New Fresh Ideas & Ways

Wood, metal, paper - or maybe something softer? All would allow the use of recycled material and they would also be further recyclable. On the course they had spent days on thinking and calculating what would be lucrative business to start. They had visited several fairs to get ideas but somehow most of the stalls sold the same ideas. Lucas has discussed the issue also at home and with friends, and they had given valuable comments. Hmm...

At the end it wasn't too hard to make the decision. Lucas knew what he wanted to do, and more importantly what he didn't. He also remembered the lady with inner spirit.

"We have never done anything like that before.", "It is going to cost you a lot.", "We are not interested as the amount is so small." Lucas was getting frustrated - where are all the innovative ways of thinking that our country is famous for? Do you know?

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