Friday, April 30, 2010

Couple more days to go!

First of May with Spring celebrations are just around the corner. My best early flowers of the Spring are the proposals coming in to my mailbox for the Call for Solutions. Several have noticed the open call, but still more are welcome. I have slightly extended the time till 5.5. - so you have still some days to submit your solution.

It is really fascinating to see how the message of the Call goes around and finds the right persons. For many it is about right timing, suitable content and the possibility to see the potentiality in it. This has made so to many wake up and take part in submitting a proposal or wanting to be part of side events etc of the Solutions local, together Conference. The role of the social media in that can not be ignored.

The Conference is about creating something bigger together, it is not meant for an exclusive club or forum but for us all. This is what makes the entire difference!
Enjoy the first of May!

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