Friday, March 26, 2010

Earth Hour every hour?

During the past two weeks, preparations of the conference have taken big leaps forward and soon we are able to come out with practical news about the content and more on what has been planned. Locally a big effort has been given to improving the use of local food in restaurants. This has meant that the logistical chain from production to table has been widely discussed.

For many of the restaurant owners, the immediate reactions to sustainability are linked to switching off lights when not needed, saving water and avoiding garbage. These actions mainly happen automatically for those that are committed. But for others they need to be reminded or made automatic. The same goes for the local food, it needs to be made so easy to get and use, that there is not anymore the arguments of "more work is needed" or it is not cost-effective. Even the most dedicated green thinkers use these arguments and not in vain, as at the moment you need to make a big effort in order to fill your plate with ingredients that are locally produced.

Campaigns like Earth hour are needed to showcase the power of decision in our daily lives. We need to rethink our systems so that the Earth Hour would be every hour for us all!

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