Friday, January 22, 2010

Balanced article?

In the kitchen, Lucas opens the local news paper where there is a long article about energy company that would like to locate wind mills near the city. The local residents are opposing the plans and claim that it would spoil their view and also damage the local attractive surrounding. The article also raises possible noise as one reason to oppose the project.

Only in couple of sentences the positive results of such investments are explained. Lucas is surprised, as this is exactly what would need to be highlighted. He would be willing to buy wind energy knowing that it is renewable and will not damage the environment. In the long run it would even be cheaper for the locals as they are not so dependent on external sources. Are the pros and cons in balance in the article?

Lucas would like to support the company and starts to think who actually has the power in matters like this. Is it really in the hands of consumers or actually does media have a bigger role to play? In the article all interested stakeholders are invited to take part in a citizens forum organized tonight in the city hall. Lucas decides to take part in it to find out more.

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